Madison Health Resource Center

The Madison Health Resource Center provides help with:
Limited Utility Assistance
Legal Matters
SNAP/TNAF Applications
Senior Meals
Transportation See more >>
Service Providers
The Madison Health Resource Center is currently providing residents with services in or around Madison County including, but not limited to:
Brazos Valley Food Bank
Lone Star Legal Aid
Project Unity
Sexual Assault Resource Center
Twin City Mission Youth & Family Services- STAR Program See more >>
Community. Health. Care. Under One Roof.
“I have been a volunteer driver for over a year and I see that this service is a critical need of this community, without it there are citizens who would be in a dire situation when it comes to seeking transportation to their medical appointments and other basic service that most of us take for granted."
Brady Bibbs Jr.
"The Madison Health Resource Center is a vital part of this community as well as an integral part of the outreach resources available to those clients who find themselves in need of help."
Lisa Wamsley
“I would like to thank you for their help and consideration in extending their hands to us for I'm disabled and walk with a cane. Without them it wouldn't be possible to get the help I need."
Sarah Shrout
“While driving the van, I too have seen the great need that exists in this county. The individuals that ride in the van with me have no other way to get to doctors appointments, the pharmacy, grocery store and even appointments at the Resource Center."
Sandra Wooten